Photo submissions are now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted photos for 2024’s banner.

It's much easier to relate to the people who have autism when you see their beautiful faces on the banner every year! It's a reminder that the people are the reason we're on Parliament Hill, asking the Government of Canada for support throughout their lifespan. 

Step 1 - Consent Form

Please click the SUBMIT button below BEFORE you upload your photo. All required fields must be filled out for the person to appear on the banner.

Please fill out and SUBMIT the consent form above BEFORE you upload your photo (below).

Step 2 - Upload Photo

Here are some guidelines/tips:

  1. Please submit only photos that you own or have rights to use. (If you took the photo, you have the right to use it!)

  2. Photos have to be a minimum of 600 pixels wide or high. Any less than this and the photo is going to show up too small on the banner and we want everyone to see every face!

  3. Try to send photos with just one person - or indicate consent to use the image is given by all identifiable people the photo. If we don't have consent from all parties, unfortunately the photo cannot be used. We will do our best to try to obtain a replacement image or the consent that is required.

Bonus Step - Share this page!

The more photos we get, the better the autism community is represented! So, we want every Canadian with autism to participate and be on the banners. Every person matters and that's what Autism on the Hill is all about.

Please share this page. in 2024, we had 130+ pictures to showcase, covering 2 banners!